Capital Campaign

Our 2020 Derecho Storm Damage

Our thanks to Blinks Bro’s Construction.

Fall Fun Auction

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Please join us for our Annual Fall Fun Auction, great lunch and some of the best Kolaches in the area.

The festivities begin at 11 am with a lunch featuring Pork Loin and Pork Burgers, silent Auction and Kolach sale.

The lunch and silent auction end at 1:00 pm

We are also holding a Raffle with the grand prize a beautiful Hand Made Autumn Splendor Queen-sized Quilt

Live Auction begins at 1:00 pm

The winner of the quilt and cash prizes will be announced immediately after the live auction

picture of autumn splendor quilt
Hand Made Autumn Splendor Queen-sized Quilt